Hopefully this alternate version will help those who don’t feel comfy with terminal. You can then finish the installation without problem. Once again, it will ask for your password. Then lauch the Java 6 intaller, as Nello said, but do not start the installation, and bring back the “Resources” folder to its’ right place from the trash (or the place you had moved it to). Since it is a protected folder, it will ask for your security password… Then select the “Resources” and move it somewhere else, or, as I did, delete it (but do NOT empty the trash!). This will bring you to the hidden subfolder Nello accessed by terminal. System/Library/Frameworks/amework/Versions/A/ In the finder, go to the “Go” menu, and then “Go to folder”, and type in the command line nello gave :
Download Adobe Flash Player for Mac now from Softonic: 100 safe and virus free. I find it simpler, since you don’t even have to use terminal… So here it is : Java 1.6 free download - Apple Safari, DJ Java Decompiler, Java Runtime. If anyone is interested, I found another way to do the trick Nello gave us before. I’ve been looking for a while for a way to bring Java 6 onto my Tiger-running powerbook.